Bárbara Fluxá (Madrid, 1974)
Lives and works between Madrid and Asturias.

Multidisciplinary artist, PhD, researcher and teacher at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid. She is a specialist in new strategies and contemporary artistic practices around the environmental systemic crisis and the current relations between humanity, technology and nature. His work aims to make visible the Western instrumentalization of nature space and proposes a new landscape imaginary more in line with the Anthropocene era in which we live. His proposals, mostly produced through a multidisciplinary artistic language, have a certain investigative aesthetic typical of the current synergies between the arts, humanities and sciences.

She is currently a member of the research group Prácticas artísticas y formas de conocimiento contemporáneas of the Fine Arts Faculty of the UCM; and researcher of the R+D+i Project: Energy Humanities: Energy and socio-cultural imaginaries between the industrial revolution and the ecosocial crisis, PID2020-113272RA-I00, HUMENERGE of CSIC.

He has an intense artistic career through his participation in numerous solo and group exhibitions, as well as in artistic production and research projects, inside and outside Spain: Argentina, Peru, Chile, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and France. His work is owned by museums, institutions and cultural foundations, both private and public.

Of the latest research and creation grants received, the Leonardo Grant for Cultural Creators and Researchers 2017-18 (Plastic Arts Area) from the BBVA Foundation stands out. The Propuestas VEGAP Grant (2020-21) and the Ayuda Extraordinaria Matadero Crea (2020-21) from the Centro de Residencias Artísticas de Matadero of the Madrid City Council, both together with filmmaker Raúl D. Alaejos. He is currently leading the collaborative project El aula de las maravillas together with Aula Paleobotánica de Fabero (León) and the cultural manager Amparo L. Corral within the program Art for Change`22 of “La Caixa” Foundation.